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【CBT Event】To be a Bug Hunter

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  • IGN: Smiley
    Server: S1

    Bug(s) I found:
    Exclusive Draw prices are (also) incorrect. (Similar to the other normal character draw prices that are incorrect - reported before by someone else).

    Steps to recreate this bug:
    1. Have less than 2000 gold, but more than 1600.
    2. Open Draw and go to Exclusive Draw.
    3. Make sure you own no Exclusive Chest Keys.
    4. Click on Draw x10.
    5. A purchase window will appear asking if you want to purchase the Exclusive Chest Keys at the price of 1600. (ie. 160gold/key, however shop it is 200gold/key)
    6. Click Confirm.
    7. "Not enough gold" will be displayed. (This is because the price is actually 2000 gold).

    8. Have more than 2000 gold, record the exact amount.
    2. Open Draw and go to Exclusive Draw.
    3. Make sure you own no Exclusive Chest Keys.
    4. Click on Draw x10.
    5. A purchase window will appear asking if you want to purchase the Exclusive Chest Keys at the price of 1600. (ie. 160gold/key, however shop it is 200gold/key)
    6. Click Confirm.
    7. The transaction should be successful - compare original recorded amount and current amount, 2000 gold was deduced (not 1600).

    Screenshots of the bug:
    Less than 2000 gold, but more than 1600:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	BeforeNotEnoughMoney.png
Views:	229
Size:	662.6 KB
ID:	88329

    Not enough gold:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	NotEnoughMoney.png
Views:	224
Size:	865.5 KB
ID:	88330

    More than 2000 gold, before purchase of apparent 1600:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Before10xPurchase.png
Views:	224
Size:	861.3 KB
ID:	88332

    After the purchase, deduction of 2000 not 1600

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Before10xPurchase.png
Views:	215
Size:	861.3 KB
ID:	88333

    Attached Files
    Last edited by applezhou; 09-14-2017, 08:11 AM.


    • IGN: Smiley
      Server: S1

      Bug(s) I found:
      Clicking on a name in chat and then choosing the information option, often does not bring up the correct person's information. (often out by two names).

      Steps to recreate this bug:
      1. Click on someone's name in chat - note the name
      2. Choose information option
      3. Window comes up with a player's information - note the name
      4. The character information displayed is often of a different character, not the name you clicked on!
      5. (Often two names out of sync - In the screenshot, I clicked on "ahri", but "Bismuth" details/information was shown to).

      Screenshots of the bug:

      I checked mine, it works fine. Please make sure you click ahri instead of Bismuth
      Attached Files
      Last edited by applezhou; 09-14-2017, 08:14 AM.


      • IGN: Smiley
        Server: S1

        Bug(s) I found: Typo in Stats Details in a player's information. Should be STA and STR, however, both are STR.

        Steps to recreate this bug: Open a player's information, click on the "Stats Details" up arraow to bring up the other player's stats details. Note that there are two "STR" labels. One is suppose to be STA (the tool tip when hovering over it is correct though! It says STA).

        Screenshots of the bug:

        Attached Files
        Last edited by applezhou; 09-14-2017, 08:21 AM.


        • IGN: Smiley
          Server: S1

          Bug(s) I found: Battle Log cuts off text and there is no way to scroll either.
          Steps to recreate this bug: Fight a few battles in Arena (PvP). Open Arena, click on Battle Log (bottom left) to bring up the log. Notice text cuts off on the right.
          Screenshots of the bug:

          Attached Files
          Last edited by applezhou; 09-14-2017, 08:29 AM.


          • IGN: Smiley
            Server: S1

            Bug(s) I found: The monster "Therapist" (I think in Trial I), disappears before he has actually died. This was reoccuring.
            Steps to recreate this bug: I think this is in Trial I (Took the screenshot yesterday - will verify after Trial I resets tomorrow). Choose to fight a character with a "Therapist" monster in the formation. The monster will disappear before he dies leaving your team to fight thin air :P
            Screenshots of the bug:

            Attached Files
            Last edited by applezhou; 09-15-2017, 02:07 AM.


            • IGN: Smiley
              Server: S1

              Bug(s) I found: 2x Rewards in daily quests is not working. Does not give double points as it claims it should. (This is the case for both when you pay to complete or do the quest to complete).
              Steps to recreate this bug:
              1. Refresh daily quests until a x2 quest is found.
              2. Accept the x2 quest.
              3. According to icon description: "2x Rewards" : "Complete quests with the icon on the right to receive 2x point rewards".
              According to quest description: "Quest Name: Double Rewards"; "Rewards: Silver 10000 6Points"; "Requirement 0/1"; "Spend Gold once. Complete double quests to receive double points."
              4. Note the silver amount (top left) and the points accumulated so far amount (by the sliding bar).
              5. Complete the quest (either finish the task or pay to complete - this happens for both of these).
              6. Note the silver amount and points accumulated amounts again.
              7. Silver only increased by 10000 (not double!) and points only increased by 6 (not double!).

              Screenshots of the bug:

              Silver = 10804K
              Points = 90
              Click image for larger version

Name:	BeforeX2DailyQuest.png
Views:	230
Size:	1.14 MB
ID:	88347

              Silver = 10814K
              Points = 96
              Click image for larger version

Name:	AfterX2DailyQuest.png
Views:	239
Size:	1.14 MB
ID:	88348

              Actually, this isn't a bug... instead confusing and ambiguity in the description. The description of the "Double Rewards" quest reads as follows: "Spend Gold once. Complete double quests to receive double points." This is incorrect relayed information. You do not get double the points (ie. you still get 6 points instead of 6x2=12) - this is not what the function of the double rewards quest is. The real function is, it doubles the claimable point reward items.

              Also, the point rewards (items) description reads as follows: "Complete quests with the icon on the right to receive 2x point rewards". This too is not very clear. Please revise the wording, and possibly make it clear that it's not the points that you receive double, but it is actually the claimable reward items that you receive double.

              Thank you

              Last edited by smileyk; 10-07-2017, 08:53 PM. Reason: Realised there is ambiguity in the wording...


              • IGN: Smiley
                Server: S1

                Bug(s) I found: Can't open "Normal Evolution Chest"
                Steps to recreate this bug: I received this as a reward somewhere (I appologise, I can't remember where).
                1. Go to Bag
                2. Click on Normal Evolution Chest and choose use.
                3. Click confirm.
                3. A warning comes up: Tips Incorrect Server static data

                Screenshots of the bug:
                Attached Files


                • IGN: Smiley
                  Server: S1

                  Bug(s) I found: The description of the debuff for burning as well as bleeding is incorrect - it says poison instead.
                  Steps to recreate this bug:
                  1. Be in a fight with a character (either your partner or opponent partner) that burns other characters
                  2. Wait until some character is burning.
                  3. Hover over burn debuff picture.
                  4. Definition box will be visible - here it says: "Continuous HP losses"; "Rounds: x", where x is some positive integer value and "Poison". I believe it should say "Burn" or "Burning".

                  1. Be in a fight with a character (either your partner or opponent partner) that makes other characters bleed
                  2. Wait until some character is bleeding.
                  3. Hover over beelding debuff picture.
                  4. Definition box will be visible - here it says: "Continuous HP losses"; "Rounds: x", where x is some positive integer value and "Poison". I believe it should say "Bleed" or "Beelding".

                  Screenshots of the bug:

                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by applezhou; 09-15-2017, 02:30 AM.


                  • IGN: Smiley
                    Server: S1

                    Bug(s) I found: Fury Seal does not work!
                    Steps to recreate this bug:
                    FURY SEAL
                    1. Be in a fight with a character (either your partner or opponent partner) that has a skill that causes Fury Seal (e.g. Kageyama)
                    2. Wait until some character has the Fury Seal debuff.
                    3. If their fury is 100/100 for that round, their fury skill will still be triggered and occur.

                    Screenshots of the bug:
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by smileyk; 09-18-2017, 10:38 PM.


                    • IGN: Smiley
                      Server: S1

                      Bug(s) I found: Many inconsistency throughout where coupons/gold is used. All "Coupons" should be changed to Gold - this is confusing and originally it is unclear what "Coupons" refer to. Also, there are some things that show "paper" money and speak about "coupons", but actually it means gold.
                      Steps to recreate this bug:
                      1. Do world boss.
                      2. Receive mail about your reward.
                      3. Notice that part of the reward gives "Coupons" and the picture shows the "paper" money icon. Record what the gold count is.
                      4. Accept award.
                      5. The Gold count will be increased by the same value of the "coupons"/paper money reward.

                      Screenshots of the bug:
                      BEFORE accepting reward (and description of reward - coupons/paper money icon):
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	CouponGoldInconsistency.png
Views:	239
Size:	853.3 KB
ID:	88364

                      AFTER accepting reward - note change in gold.
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	CouponsGoldInconsitency2.png
Views:	224
Size:	1.09 MB
ID:	88365


                      Last edited by maggiem; 09-15-2017, 07:10 AM.


                      • IGN: Smiley
                        Server: S1

                        Bug(s) I found: Using "exchange" in the profile function, the notification "!" does not go away after the exchange.
                        Steps to recreate this bug:
                        1. Let character A be equipped with gear (fully equipped - no open slots.
                        2. Let character B be a character that is your partner and have no equipped gear. (Note this character should be able to receive the gear quality of character A's gear).
                        3. Since character B is your partner and no gear equipped, there will be a "!" notification icon on character B's picture on the left.
                        4. Choose the "exchange" option.
                        5. Pick both characters.
                        6. Exchange the gear.
                        7. Go back. Even though character B is indeed fully equipped.

                        Screenshots of the bug:
                        AFTER the equip, Lucy is now fully equipped, but she still has a notification symbol by her name


                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by maggiem; 09-15-2017, 07:59 AM.


                        • IGN: Smiley
                          Server: S1

                          Bug(s) I found: Level up text heading cuts the level number.
                          Steps to recreate this bug:
                          1. Level up your main character and wait for the window to show that congratulates you.
                          2. Notice that you can't read the level number. It reads: "Congratulations, upgrade to lv." (with no number)

                          Screenshots of the bug:


                          Known Bug ~
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by maggiem; 09-15-2017, 07:59 AM.


                          • Exp Dungeon "Kill the monster in 5 rounds", always fails - (reason follows).

                            This has been reported before, however I'd like to say, I think this is a logic coding error. If you look at the red text right at the end when defeat shows, it reads: "Victory condition: Battle rounds >=5" However, that doesn't make sense, this says that the battle rounds need to be greater or equal to 5 and the word description says it should be in 5 round, ie. it should be "<=".
                            If the relational operator ">=" is used in the code, then this will be the error and the cause of the bug. Since that fight is capped at 5 rounds, it is impossible to get greater than - fight automatically stops at 5 rounds. Even a defeat on round 5 also doesn't trigger the victory condition.. So it's possible that ">" was actually used since the equals does not even trigger it.

                            Screenshots of the bug:

                            Word Description:
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	In5RoundsDescription.png
Views:	230
Size:	1.07 MB
ID:	88372

                            Clear "suppose to" win:
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	In5Rounds1.png
Views:	218
Size:	969.5 KB
ID:	88373 Click image for larger version

Name:	In5Rounds2.png
Views:	204
Size:	964.9 KB
ID:	88374

                            Defeat and red victory condition (logic error) referred to above:
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	In5RoundsDefeat.png
Views:	217
Size:	655.0 KB
ID:	88371

                            __________________________________________________ ____

                            Known Bug

                            Last edited by maggiem; 09-15-2017, 08:02 AM.


                            • IGN: Smiley
                              Server: S1

                              Bug(s) I found: Exclusive gear tab - the descriptions of the skills are hard to read; the chain+lock and requirement cover some words. This makes it necessary to switch between Train function and exclusive gear function the entire time, just to be able to read some of the skills (ineffective).
                              Steps to recreate this bug:
                              Open exclusive gear function.
                              Read some of the descriptions (e.g. Lucy exclusive skill 2).

                              Screenshots of the bug:
                              Hard to read in Exclusive skill function:
                              Look at Lucy exclusive skill 2.
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	ExclusiveSkillHardRead1.png
Views:	220
Size:	1.04 MB
ID:	88379

                              Easy to read in Train function:
                              Look at Lucy exclusive skill 2.
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	ExclusiveSkillHardRead2.png
Views:	209
Size:	807.5 KB
ID:	88378


                              Last edited by maggiem; 09-15-2017, 08:12 AM.


                              • IGN: Smiley
                                Server: S1

                                Bug(s) I found: Awaken character bug. Just after a possible Awaken, the button grey button still works and deducts the previous awaken's materials.

                                Steps to recreate this bug:
                                I have not retried this after first occurrence, however, here is the sequence of what happened when this came up:
                                1. Have a character that is ready to be awakened (in my case Elfman).
                                Let the awaken Level be x.
                                2. Before doing anything, make sure you have at least double of all the materials needed to awaken him at the current next awaken level (Level x), but make sure you do not have enough material for Level x and then also the next Level x+1. ie. 2x (material for Level x) < material own < (material for Level x) + (material for Level x+1)
                                3. Notice the notification "!" sign.
                                4. Awaken Elfman.
                                5. Notice that the materials for Level x were deducted. The button greyed out. The notification "!" sign stayed (did not disappear as it should).
                                6. Click on the greyed out button
                                (Correct behaviour - it SHOULD do nothing, since there is not enough material for Level x+1).
                                Actual behaviour (Incorrect) However, the material costs for Level x is deducted AGAIN for material that is enough! The level stayed at level x and did not level up to Level x+1. Notification sign only disappears at this point.

                                Problem: Loss of material, even though grey button should not work!!

                                Screenshots of the bug:

                                Materials as is after the first correct level up (in this case Level 2).
                                The materials were deducted before this picture. The button is greyed out (as seen in this picture). The notification "!" still remained on Elfman's picture.
                                There is more than enough awaken material, but not enough Elfman shards - therefore, the button is grey and shouldn't work:
                                Click image for larger version

Name:	MaterialLoss1.png
Views:	207
Size:	740.9 KB
ID:	88385

                                Testing what happens when clicking the grey button:
                                As can be seen by comparing the first screenshot and the second, another 20 awaken material was deducted! Button still stayed grey, Elfman did not level up, notification sign only went away now. Loss of awaken material even though button should not have an effect at all.
                                Click image for larger version

Name:	MaterialLoss2.png
Views:	215
Size:	741.4 KB
ID:	88386


                                Last edited by maggiem; 09-15-2017, 08:19 AM.

